Environmental Responsibility

Print Media shares our customer's goals for environmentally preferred products (EPP). We understand that we are responsible for managing the environmental impact of our operations, and with a combination of the right guidance and education, the right attitude, the right partners, the right equipment, and the right practices, our customers can meet the demand for greener materials reliably and economically. Beyond EPP products, our employee team maintains the greater purpose in mind, a mindset changing work habits and processes in all departments companywide.

Action Taken
Products are manufactured utilizing only 100% recyclable, and sustainable base-paper that is purchased only from mills with chain-of-custody certificates from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), ensuring the wood was farmed responsibly in forests that eliminate habitat destruction, water pollution, displacement of indigenous peoples and violence against people and wildlife that often accompanies logging.

Print Media utilizes environmentally friendly chemicals, disposes of the waste inks via certified disposal management companies, recycles plates and films, and utilizes post consumer recycled content in packaging. Print Media monitors and controls our manufacturing wastestreams, reducing wastewaters from printing operations that may contain lubricating oils, waste ink, cleanup solvents, photographic chemicals, acids, alkalis, and plate coatings, as well as metals such as silver, iron, chromium, copper and barium. Print Media is filtering the air of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the use of cleaning solvents and inks, as well as alcohols and other wetting agents.

Print Media office waste is collected from all points of generation and combined with production waste from our printing and converting process, mechanically sorted for its content and prepared for recycling.

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